June 5th, 2013
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June 13&14 Training: Energy Auditing for Residential and Commercial Buildings

Aloha Members, Friends, and Colleagues 

SAH President Shanah Trevenna, together with John Bendon and Alex DeRoode will be providing two days of energy audit training in Kaka'ako for industry professionals interested in expanding their knowledge of walk through energy auditing.
SAH members receive a $50 discount from the registration price!!
To join SAH or renew your memebrship, please visit our website: http://www.SAHawaii.org

Taught by Hawaii's leading trainers in efficiency, conservation and behavior change, this two day course is tailored for those who are familiar with energy use in Hawaii, but are new to the full spectrum of energy auditing. Participants will:

- learn how to do a basic walk through assessment of residential and commercial buildings 
- identify low cost/no cost 'low hanging fruit' conservation and efficiency opportunities in the areas of behavior, plug loads, lighting, HVAC, and thermal comfort.
- merge classroom training with guided on-site tours of a residential development under construction and a fully operational commercial building

When: June 13 and 14, 8AM-4PM
WhereCoxist - 331 Keawe Street, Honolulu, HI, View Map
More informationClick here for details on instructors, fees and registration.


The SAH Board 

     Are you a SAH member? Visit our webpage  to renew your membership or to signup. Like our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn, or email us. We want to hear from you!

[email protected] http://www.SAHawaii.org